ANSWER: No. You will continue to use the same key fob(s) year after year.
ANSWER: New key fobs will be mailed to your residence within a month. Existing key fobs will be reactivated for all returning members within a month.
ANSWER: Unfortunately, the BLHA does not pay a service to maintain the security on each of the locks. Each lock requires manual programming by a volunteer member. The BLHA board is always looking for volunteers to help expedite this process.
ANSWER: Yes. If you did not join the BLHA in 2015 you will need to pay $25 dollars for each key fob. Remember, each residence can only have two active key fobs at any point.
ANSWER: The BHLA will refund you the $25 as each residence can only have two active key fobs.
ANSWER: Please email our Membership VP immediately indicating that you lost a key fob. If you have purchased two key fobs, please email the key fob number on the back of the fob that you still possess. Remember, the key fobs were put in place to provide security for our common areas so it is very important that all key fobs are accounted for. Also note that that in the event of damages to the public areas, if access was granted to that is with your unreported lost key fob, the damages may point towards you.
ANSWER: Yes, each lost key fob will incur a $25 fee if you need a replacement.
ANSWER: No. Unfortunately, due to the technical limitations on the locks, we can only support two key fobs per household.
ANSWER: It is quite simple. Just hold the key fob near the black box underneath the keypad. The light to the left of the keypad will flash green and then grant you access.