- Berkeley Lake was created by Frank Coggins with the development of Berkeley Realty and Investment Company (BR&IC).
- Acreage was noted as purchased along the river for $6 an acre.
- The community consisted of 700 acres.
- The lake belonged to BR&IC.
- Berkeley Lake was constructed. Depth at the dam was 65 feet.
- All 25 Berkeley Lake property owners met and formed the Lake Berkeley Civic Association (LBCA).
- Purpose to promote and forward the interest of Berkeley Lake and its property owners:
- Telephones, electricity and a year road around the lake were priorities.
- Improve the lake ecosystem by reducing weeds and managing the fish population.
- LBCA dues were $6 per year.
- Membership was voluntary.
- Activities included: BBQ, regattas, fishing contests and holiday parties.
- A resident wanted to sell her furnished home and lot for $9,500.
- First of many fish frys.
- Property owners had grown to 94.
- Objectives for the year were:
- County access road improvement.
- Lakeshore road improvement and maintenance.
- Increase our membership.
- Obtain city charter.
- Improvement of fishing conditions.
- The City of Berkeley Lake was created to attend to specific needs which an incorporated city could secure.
- 100 permanent residents plus 50 summer residents.
- The City of Berkeley Lake was without funds and borrowed $100 from the Civic Association (BLCA).
- City works to name streets and assigns street numbers.
- 60 homes were built.
- Lake Berkeley Chapel was founded (detailed history here).
- Lake fertilized 11 times to control weeds and to improve fishing.
- Started exploring possibilities of establishing an inter-denominational chapel.
- Planning to start up a Lake Berkeley newsletter to assist in welcoming new homeowners.
- Held annual Regatta to raise money for weed control.
- The mayor noted 6 additional streetlights were installed, bringing the total to 28.
- Planned to pave streets… soon!
- City water was installed by Gwinnett County.
- June barbecue for all property owners at $1.50 per plate.
- Find a better means of identifying authorized boats on the lake.
- Furnished approximately 250 boat identification numbers.
- Removed the old pump house in the parking area and installed a flag pole.
- Constructed a shelter in the picnic area (serving and table storage area).
- Raising of funds to support weed control.
- Lake Berkeley Chapel was built.
- Residents had expanded to 219.
- Lake Berkeley Civic Association (LBCA) dues $12 per year.
- Berkeley Lake Arts and Craft Group were meeting twice a month.
- March – Lt. Governor G.T. Smith spoke at the Civic Association get-together.
- Lake Berkeley Chapel holds first wedding (6/27/70).
- August – Georgia Secretary of State Ben W. Fortson spoke to Civic Association.
- Numerous get-togethers for members and families.
- Proposed tearing down the old boat houses directly behind the Chapel.
- Berkeley Lake Homeowners Association (BLHA) was incorporated on March 28, 1973.
- 1st president Pete Rolader 1973-74 (97 members).
- BLHA dues $25.
- Berkeley Lake dam deeded to the City of Berkeley Lake.
- BLHA membership 101 out of 223 eligible families (185 living on the lake).
- A citizen complained that a structure is being built on FPR property across the street from City Hall.
- BLHA passes a resolution to assess each member $50 to “finalize the acquisition of Berkeley Lake.”
- The dam was covered in trees. The lake was lowered to remove these trees and rebuild the upper portion of the dam in compliance with Safe Dam standards.
- BLHA Membership 105 out of 205 eligible families (down 23 from 1979).
- Extension of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard and adjacent industrial park affected the lake by increasing deposits of silt.
- 1st Oktoberfest held.
- Regatta not held due to lack of interest.
- Lake Berkeley newsletter resurrected.
- Dam bond referendum to repair dam $170,000.
- Beach area created.
- Dam repairs completed.
- Pete Rolader chairs the meeting to discuss the removal of silt in the south end of the lake.
- Silt to be removed in the fall, with individuals being responsible for their own silt removal.
- Transfer/
acquisition of lake bottom to BLHA. - Berkeley Lake Elementary School opened its doors for 784 students in grades K-5.
- Letter from BLHA to residents and property owners, “Too many people have discovered Berkeley Lake and want to fish, swim, picnic, walk… etc.”
- BLHA voted to allow two Berkeley Lake sub-divisions to become members – Berkeley Lake Ridge and Berkeley Station.
- Picnic area improvements with picnic tables built and lighting installed.
- Fowler’s Mill operational.
- Berkeley Lake Reflections newsletter begins being published independently of BLHA.
- 57 pontoon boats on the lake.
- Swim area defined and built at the beach.
- The city sponsored a “Dam Good Party” to celebrate retiring the bond from debt incurred in the dam reconstruction.
- Berkeley Lake Reflections published six times a year (even months).
- Installed Port-a-John at the beach.
- BLHA installed new gates at the Chapel (hours open from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm).
- BLOSOMS formed by “ten wild women”.
- BLHA membership 210.
- Georgia Department of Natural Resources completed a fish population study.
- AJC reported the community had grown to 700 residents and was deemed “wealthiest Georgia city”.
- BLOSOMS proposes planting trees at the beach. BLHA funds the installation of a water meter.
- BLHA voted to allow River Mansions residents (of that portion located within the City of Berkeley Lake) to join.
- Repair made to Fowler’s Mill.
- BLHA membership 199.
- Dredging started on the south end of the lake.
- Reflections newsletter reintroduced 6 issues/year funded by 20 local advertisers.
- Repair of and addition to picnic area dock.
- GA Power installed AC cabinet/
meter with receptacles at beach.
- Installed block seawall and a metal “job” storage box at the beach.
- New BLHA logo developed.
- Hired lake manager to oversee lake and fish management.
- Membership at 242.
- Fences installed for beach and picnic areas.
- New grills installed at the beach.
- Tent style pavilion installed at the beach.
- New hardwood trees 3 planted in the picnic area.
- 30 shad, 6-8″ long, added to the lake as a test to get a sustainable food source for bass.
- Removed silt from specific coves and deposited on the beach lot.
- Coker-Robinson cove (700 cubic yards at $28,000).
- Added grass carp to the lake to control weeds.
- Silt in the beach lawn area leveled and reseeded.
- Dues increased from $175 to $200 with an additional $25 direct to the silt fund.
- Chapel / BLHA agreement finalized to allow BLHA to conduct a monthly meeting in the Chapel.
- New membership record of 260.
- Lake lowered 6′ for in February for City culvert project – remaining 3′ low throughout summer.
- Steel posts removed from lake bottom near the picnic area.
- Several homeowners removed silt from the lake adjacent to their shoreline.
- Beach area expanded and sand redistributed.
- Several improvement projects completed inclusive of 4 stonewalls, landscaping and tree removal, 4 new picnic tables, 2 BBQ grills and benches… etc.
- Performed survey/assessment for new picnic and beach pavilions.
- Removed 60+ cubic yards of silt from the boat dock/gazebo areas. Spread and reseeded on the Chapel grounds.
- Membership at 256.
- Lake finally returned to full pool (February 2008).
- Capital improvement projects completed:
- Beach stonewall and fire pit built along with the installation of low voltage lighting.
- Picnic area – new stonewall built and patio installed with engraved flagstones.
- Removed GA Power lights and installed BLHA controlled lighting.
- Discussions were underway to design a new picnic pavilion. Concept drawings viewed in May membership meeting.
- The successful introduction of an organic garden in the upper corner of the beach lot.
- 25,000-to-30,000 shad to be released into the lake in mid-April. Bass overpopulated.
- Membership at 266 (plus 3 honorary) members.
- September rain events raised the lake by 25” in a 24-hour period. This resulted in the lake being lowered 10’ to limit impact on the dam.
- Lake Maintenance agreement with Fosters Pond & Lake cancelled in June by BLHA Board.
- Economic conditions / lake requiring more lime (100 tons), due to lowering lake in 2007 for culvert project.
- BLHA board to defer maintenance agreements due to lake lowering and needs assessment.
- Georgia Safe Dams recommended the lake lowered by 10’ in October to facilitate dam inspections.
- Focus on PIB developer silting Holben Pond and the lake.
- Holben Pond / Berkeley Lake appeared in newspapers and TV evening news.
- Released RFP for removal of silt and sedimentation from several coves.
- Capital improvement projects completed:
- Beach: stonewall extended and bocce ball court installed.
- Beach: 2 kayak/canoe storage racks installed.
- Beach: lake irrigation system installed.
- Picnic area: new split rail fencing installed.
- New landscaping added at beach, picnic and boat ramp.
- Boat ramp: gate installed for improved security.
- Board recommended to membership to build a beach pavilion and bathrooms.
- Relaunched BLHA website with new format and expanded content.
- Membership at 226 (plus 3 honorary) members.
- Membership approved a plan to build a beach pavilion and bathrooms.
- Beach pavilion and bathrooms built.
- Water level remained lowered at the 10-foot level all year.
- Membership at 199 (plus 3 honorary) members.
- Lake was lowered an additional 10 feet in September in anticipation of dam construction starting.
- Membership at 178 (plus 3 honorary) members.
- Berkeley Lake Restoration Committee (BLRC) submitted lake management plans for fish restocking, habitat creation and long-term management of the lake.
- City / J.W. Wilkerson (contractor) began lowering the lake (Feb 4th) and in early April it had been lowered 60 feet. Repairs started for the dam and installation of standpipe and siphons.
- After J.W. Wilkerson drained the lake, Aquatic Environmental Services and BLHA volunteers removed all fish.
- Membership at 235 (plus 7 honorary) members.
- Released sediment removed RFP and awarded contract in May.
- Aquatic Restorations and property owners removed over 6,900 cubic yards of sediment from the lake.
- Fish habitat was created in several areas, with the primary focus near the picnic area.
- Shoreline maintenance plans were implemented to remove 4years of tree and brush. Cut everything within the 10 feet of full pool around the entire shoreline.
- Chapel’s “big” beech tree removed after several large limbs broke off.
- Fundraising in excess of $17,000 for fish restocking / habitat projects through the “Acre of Fish” promotion.
- Fishing restocking plan implemented between February and June, with over 137,000 fingerlings released into the lake.
- Lake unofficially at full pool on 12/31/13… 13 months after filling started.
- After annexation, Hermitage Plantation residents (100 homes) invited to join BLHA.
- Dam construction completed in September. Parking lot expanded to accommodate more vehicles.
- Over 1,100 bulbs planted in picnic area along with installing sod in the patio area.
- City sell FPRP property across from City Hall and adjacent to Chapel grounds for $15,500.
- Seawall built along shoreline adjacent to Chapel and FPRP property ~ 350’. The cove next to the gazebo / boat ramp was designated as, “Sanctuary Cove”.
- Membership at 311 (plus 9 honorary) members.
- The board’s focus was on events to celebrate the lake’s return to full pool and rebuild membership.
- BLHA authorizes shoreline wall in corner to be extended ~10’ into lake adjacent to FPRP property City Hall / Chapel grounds to accommodate smooth cure. BLHA property behind the wall was backfilled and leveled for future BLHA use.
- BLHA to install split rail fence to denote property line, as discussed with Charles Dean (lot owner / developer).
- Parking lot area replaced railroad tie steps.
- Fire pit installed in the picnic area.
- Additional storage racks were added for kayak, canoes and paddleboards.
- Rules amended to allow for buoys to mark location of fish habitat reefs and to allow for floating structures in designated areas for enhancing the use of the lake and increase safety.
- New picnic tables purchased to replace older wooden tables
- Picnic tables, benches and dock repaired, sanded and oiled to provide for long–term protection.
- 2 floating platforms (~$2,500 each) were deployed for use by swimmers, kayak, paddleboard, and canoe users.
- Membership at 295 (plus 10 honorary) members.
- BLHA by-laws amended / created for annual meeting and were passed by membership. 2015 board to incorporate changes for conducting business and align to operational procedures.
- Membership assessment of $50 for security was passed at annual meeting. BLHA implemented new FOB controlled access locks at all gates and changed out locks at beach bathrooms to control access to facilities and mitigate concerns.
- Conducted first professional Independence Day fireworks display from dam. Volunteer raised over $14,000 to cover costs, including event management and police supervision.
- LMC conducted several fishing tournaments, coordinated with AES on lake-fishery management activities, and provided updates to membership.
- Membership at 307 (plus 10 honorary) members.
- BLHA by-laws passed at 2015 annual meeting were reissued and posted on the website.
- BLHA board removes all “old style” wooden picnic tables from picnic grounds to mitigate safety concerns.
- BLHA board relocated a floating dock from the main part of the lake to Paradise Cove due to concerns from some members.
- LMC applied 60 tons of lime and over 80 boxes of fertilizer to maintain the lake.
- LMC conducted several fishing tournaments and coordinated with AES on lake-fishery management activities.
- LMC released an annual newsletter on lake-fishery activities. Copies distributed at annual meeting / posted on website.
- LMC purchases copies of a book on lake-fishery management to inform board members and other members on key activities.
- Membership at 325 (plus 10 honorary) members.
- BLHA board relocated second floating dock from beach area of due to safety / liability concerns. BLHA board followed up with insurance carrier for further details to communicate guidance to membership.
- LMC raised private funds (<$5,000) to stock Threadfin Shad, Coppernose Bluegills and Crawfish.
- LMC applied over 100 boxes of fertilizer to maintain the lake and recorded monthly stats.
- LMC conducted several fishing tournaments and coordinated with AES on lake-fishery management activities.
- Steve Seitz wrote article, “Berkeley Lake Restoration – 2nd Chances” to document changes in the lake from 2009-2017. This was published a 3-part series in Pond Boss magazine and posted on BLHA’s website.
- Membership at 339 (plus 10 honorary) members.
- BLHA board authorized a band stand pavilion to be constructed in the picnic grounds.
- BLHA board continuing its investigation with insurance carrier on 2 BLHA floating docks.
- LMC applied 150 tons of lime (Feb) and ~40 boxes of fertilizer to maintain the lake.
- LMC conducted several fishing tournaments and coordinated with AES on lake-fishery management activities.
- LMC released an annual newsletter on lake-fishery activities to communicate updates to members, along with Lake Maintenance and Fishery Management fundamentals to document by-laws for these core responsibilities.